About Us

Yogathon New Zealand, a division of Hindu Council of New Zealand/Aotearoa, has been organising the nationwide ‘Health for Humanity’ Yogathon since 2011, with the aim to increase awareness about the science of yoga, and its techniques in facilitating a healthy body, mind, and spirit in balance with each other.

The participants aim to collectively perform 108,000 repetitions of ‘Surya Namaskar’ (Sun Salutation) over a period of two weeks. A repetition of Surya Namaskar consists of a series of yoga postures of well-balanced movements linked with simple breathing techniques.

If you are a first time practitioner, trained instructors will be available at specific locations to help you get initiated in Yoga through Surya Namaskars.

Yogathon will help promote yoga widely in a scientific perspective of health, to help introduce it as a part of school curriculum, encourage healthy living, and connect yoga schools and practitioners in New Zealand through participation in this planned annual event.

Participants can conduct Surya Namaskar repetitions from the comfort of their homes or as part of the regular group they practice with; in addition venues will be available in some cities where they can join in group practice with trainers.

Those willing to volunteer and help promote and coordinate this event in their respective cities/ schools/ neighbourhoods and be part of the Yogathon team are heartily welcome.
To register interest as participant/ volunteer/ both, please register by emailing yogathon.nz@gmail.com or contact the Yogathon team:

Hindu Council of New Zealand has been working for the community since 1996 in New Zealand. Since May 2006, Hindu Council of New Zealand is a registered Incorporated Society, a not for profit charitable organisation. It has a team of dedicated and committed volunteers with good understanding and clear vision inspired by eternal values of Dharma.

Organisation in Special Consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).
